Monday, February 22, 2010

Frowny Face

Hey All.

Cold. Dark. Dreary. Dismal. Grey. Rainy. Ugh. What a reality check after an INCREDIBLE dream-like weekend. To make matters worse, I'm lonely again. How can I possibly have an appetite in these conditions? How can I possibly get work done? Oh, how I wish that homework could really do itself. I'd have more time for sipping tomato soup, napping, and moping. 


I really miss my darling boyfriend. This time around it seemed so much more difficult to part ways. Tears were shed. There were plenty of hugs and kisses goodbye. And it was all because we knew how much better it was to be together. Rather than apart. Now it's back to video chats, phone calls, emails, and texts. With an even stronger desire to see each other again. Sooner. Although we both know that it simply isn't possible. So we're going to have to play the waiting game. Again.

By the way, on the food side of things, I'm craving something warm and satisfying. Noodle soup comes to mind. How about you all? Which foods do you find the most comforting on those down days?

  Chili with Chipotle and Chocolate

Bis Morgen.

1 comment:

  1. For me it's either something quick and warm to fill my belly, or something worth the time it takes to make it (to get my mind off whatever dark and dreary thoughts are plaguing my mind) and equally warm.

    Back at home, I used to eat a lot of Annie's Shells and White Cheddar when nobody felt like cooking. They're scrummy and organic!
    Check them out here:
